Category Archives: keynotes

Twitter tag and livestream link

For those who cannot make it to the conference this time, to follow the event on Twitter use the hashtag #cleurope2015.

In addition, we are pleased to announce that the following sessions of the conference will be livestreamed:

Thursday 16 April
Alexandre Quintanilha – Inclusive knowledge… how?
Friday 17 April 
Policy-makers/stakeholder panel
Room: MAL B36

Friday 17 April 1.30-3.30pm Project presentations 
Room: MAL B36

Friday 17 April
Michael CroninEating Our Words: Books, burgers and the biosphere
Saturday 18 April
11am–12 noon
Aleida Assmann – Resonance and Impact: towards a theory of the emotions in cultural memory
Saturday 18 April
Lars Elleström A Medium-Centred Model of Communication in the Context of Cultural Literacy

Keynotes titles and abstracts

Check out the programme where we added all abstracts of our keynotes:

Full programme with abstracts and biographies for all authors will follow soon.

Keynotes and confirmed speakers

The Steering Committee for the first international conference Cultural Literacy in Europe 2015 is pleased to announce the list of keynote speakers:

In addition, the following speakers confirmed their participation in the policy panel:

  • Maureen Freely, Warwick University’s Connecting Cultures Research Priority Programme
  • Stefaan Hermans, European Commission (DG Research & Innovation, Reflective Societies)
  • Svend Erik Larsen, Academia Europaea