Whether you could make it to the 2015 conference or not, send us a postcard expressing your say on the Cultural Literacy project, its present and future.
From Literature to Cultural Literacy
The countdown to the start of the conference this afternoon started!
To get in the mood you might want to read this recently published article by one of the member of the Steering Committee of Cultural Literacy in Europe 2015 conference and driving force of the project, Professor Naomi Segal. She contextualises the project and its relevance for the future of the social and cultural value of our research.
Twitter tag and livestream link
For those who cannot make it to the conference this time, to follow the event on Twitter use the hashtag #cleurope2015.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that the following sessions of the conference will be livestreamed:
Do or DIY Information As Material installation now open
The low-fi Information As Material installation has just opened at the Peltz Gallery, Brikbeck University.
There — and for now only there — you can pick up a free Xerox chapbook of the expanded second edition of Do or DIY. When they’re gone they’re gone. Here’s a taster:
“In the same year that James Joyce’s Ulysses and T.S. Elliot’s The Waste Land were published, Carlos Díaz Loyola self-published his book of poems Los Gemidos. Loyola, a Chilean writing under the nom de plume Pablo de Rokha, only managed to sell a few copies. Indeed, both the public and the critics were so indifferent that the author sold the bulk of the edition by weight to the slaughterhouse where it was used to wrap meat. Today, accordingly, it is almost impossible to find a first edition of Los Gemidos, which is now considered to be one of the fundamental works of the Latin American avant-garde movement.”
Another recent IAM freebie can be downloaded from the Eclipse Archive. Nothing: A User’s Manual is a 48pp PDF featuring a long introductory essay and a preliminary bibliography that both try to map ideas of nothing and nothing-ness as they relate to late-modern and contemporary art practice. In no small part we want to share it as a teaching aid so please feel free to use it, misuse it and extend it. The download link is here.
Please pass on info about both projects.
As ever, recent books etc are listed on informationasmaterial.org.
With very best wishes,
Earlier start on Thursday
Note that due to some logistical reasons we had to anticipate the start of the conference to 5pm rather than 6pm (registration opens at 4pm) on Thursday 16th of April.
See the amended programme. We apologise and hope this won’t cause any problems to participants who already booked their trip to London.
Final programme, abstracts and biographies
We are happy to announce that the final programme for the 2015 conference with links to abstracts and biographies is now available!
Hurry up to book registration!
Do or DIY – Art Installation
Check out the Art Installation Do or DIY (Expanded Second Edition) by Information As Material, taking place during the conference in the Peltz Gallery: Exhibition space (11-18 April 2015).
Keynotes titles and abstracts
Check out the programme where we added all abstracts of our keynotes:
- Keynote Alexandre Quintanilha, Universidade do Porto (Portugal) – Inclusive knowledge… how?
- Keynote David King, University of Cambridge (UK) – Towards ecocivilisation in the 21st century: re-incorporating humanity into the natural world
- Keynote Aleida Assmann, Universität Konstanz (Germany) – Resonance and Impact: towards a theory of the emotions in cultural memory
- Keynote Lars Elleström, Linnaeus University (Sweden) – A Medium-Centred Model of Communication in the Context of Cultural Literacy
Full programme with abstracts and biographies for all authors will follow soon.