Cultural Literacy Everywhere is delighted to announce its 2023 Conference on the topic of Digital Creativity. It will be held on 15–17 June 2023 as a hybrid event co-hosted by the University of Oslo. You are invited to send in a proposal for a 10- minute discussion paper, a show-and-tell demonstration, or a 1-hour interactive workshop by the deadline of Saturday 21 January 2023 at noon GMT/UTC.
In Between Past and Future (1961), Hannah Arendt wrote: ‘the world we have come to live in […] is
much more determined by man acting into nature, creating natural processes and directing them into
the human artifice and the realm of human thought’. According to Charles Travis (2018), Arendt was
anticipating our current cultural landscape, characterized by an increasing confluence of analog, digital,
and natural environments. Since the 1980s, we have witnessed a steady expansion of the ‘digital
humanities wave’ – from the digitization of historical or cultural material to digital analysis and
visualization and currently how humanities discourses influence applications and codes.
In this environment of the Digital Anthropocene, with its transformative technological and critical
practices, we can detect emerging creative trends haunted by a sense of threat and challenge. This mix
of curiosity for the new and fear of loss and nostalgia appear in the academic domains of the
humanities and social sciences – now often in close collaboration rather than a perpetual collision with
areas such as genetics and bioinformatics. In addition, cross-disciplinary activities of knowledge
production are creative endeavours within the digital landscape and big data environment, where they
respond to a novel need to explore and assess not only the ontological implications of the digital age
but also our roles in making it.
This two-day Conference is designed to generate active discussion on creative practices in the digital
age, focusing on thinking, talking, and showing what such practices can be or become.
Proposals might include the following:
➢ Digital humanities activism and hashtag journalism
➢ The role of the digital in diaspora cultures
➢ Data science and visualization
➢ Human-machine co-creation: The possibilities of AI in the arts and humanities
➢ Creative computing as a tool for learning and discovery in the humanities and social sciences
➢ Creativity and cognition
➢ Sonic material and new forms of social critique
➢ Digital creativity, affect, and pleasure
➢ The role of memory and nostalgia in the digital age
➢ Digital narratives and life writing
➢ Digital creativity and ethical considerations
HOW TO APPLY: We invite 300-word proposals in English for a 10-minute presentation or a show-andtell demonstration or 1-hour interactive workshop. Please include your presentation title, your name,
affiliation (if applicable), and a short biography (max. 100 words). Please indicate on your submission
whether you would like to participate in person or online. Send this as an email attachment to Dr Aino
Rinhaug ( and Prof Naomi Segal ( by the
deadline of Saturday 21 January 2023 at noon GMT/UTC. No late proposals will be considered.
LOCATION: The conference will take place at the Voksenåsen conference hotel in the Oslo Forest;
subsidised charges will be announced at a later date. Please note: Norway is not a member of the EU.
CLE MEMBERSHIP: You must be a member of CLE in order to attend the Conference. To join CLE see
Sign up for Membership.
CONFERENCE FEES: Standard £100; Unwaged/Hourly paid £50.
BURSARIES: Several bursaries are available; the successful applicants will receive an award plus feewaiver. The competition will open on Tuesday 31 January and close on Tuesday 14 February 2023.
Any enquiries: please email Naomi Segal (
or Aino Rinhaug (